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Messy Temple

Messy Temple (2022)

66 votes, average 6.6 out of 10

Wulong Monastery’s disciple La Liang is very proud I really want to be a falsifier. But before he is educated, he only lies to gain the respect of others. Handsome Linnan Xian Xia Yang is an honorable Linnan Xian.Descended from the Suppressor clan.He was one of the first to root out falsehoods for the sake of the family. The two of them were from Wulong Monastery.He is about to be released according to the responsibility given by the monkTo recapture the false king On the way, I will write a novel about anti-fakeThey meet on the road with Aifey, who has a goal The 3 went to defeat the false king.How will they overcome the lies encountered along the way?These 3 young men and the false king It will be interesting to see if they can face it.It’s not a fantasy like other fake carsIt’s a little scary, so I’d like to watch it with a friend.

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Views:16 views
Duration: 94 Min

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